Today actually is night just went out..
But afternoon patrick sms me said that he want go buy souvenir..
Long time didn't go out with him so
fetch him go Queensbay search and bought..
Finally we walk and then bought at S&J give shop..
bought one photo frame and one twin tower display..
Then after went back home..
until six something evening we just out..
then i go fetch chun wei and then go fetch chin yee and hui shyan..
then go fetch chee kang after just go new world park meet kean choon..
After that we deicde go old town take our dinner..
then chin chat at there..
about 8 something jun pin, wen wei and sheng yi come meet us at old town too..
long time didn't me all of them so many thing to chat..
until 9 something we decide to go another place because is too many mosquito there..
Then we decide go Penang bowl play.. wen wei, sheng yi and jun pin back so left we six..
after we go there was so many people and gamble for bowling so we wait until 11 o'clock..
also saw pei ni, boon hui come to play but they saw so many people so back also..
while waiting we walk walk at upper penang road and took photo at E&O...
and saw junior(our school upper six student) having thank teacher giving night at there..
then we walk in see and chat with them..
after we just walk back to penang bowl..
then start to play..
there were too many people..
because they gamble there..
make us got stress while playing..
but we still continue play.. but smeltly because many people smoke...
after we play 2 game then just back..
then we go upper penang road have our supper..
then we also call guan lee and han hong come...
so we eat and chat there...
until 2 something morning just back...
really enjoy.. and tired.. hehe..

Hui Shyan and Chin Yee

Me.. Chun Wei.. Kean Choon and Chee Kang

at New World Park

Ops... Pai Seh pai seh...

We six at E&O hotel

Guess who?? Kelly Chan...

Wow.. so Cool... Haha

Chee Kang so happiness.. Got 2 beautiful girl beside.

Family photo...

Do. Re.. Mi... Fa.... So.....


With Mecedes..

at the corridor

Mamak Stall